Tony’s Cow Elk 2015

I spotted 4 cows feeding in the pines, we were in a spike unit so either a spike or a cow.

The elk were about a mile away and I had about one and a half hours to make a move.

They were on a super steep slope and all the way to the top.

I came up with a plan that I would head directly to them and I sent my wife the way they were feeding.

Well after about a 45 minute stalk almost all vertical I spotted a lone cow.

I snuck as close as I could but the cover of the small pines was running out.

After catching my breath for a minute I decided that it was a perfect situation for a shot.

She was feeding broadside and had no idea I was there.

I ranged her at 96 yards, so I dialed my hogg farther and prepared for the shot.

I had been putting 5 arrows in a 5 inch group at 120 yards all week, so this shot I was super confident in.

So I drew my ds decree and settled the pin behind the shoulder and I squeezed my carter and the arrow was on its way.

I heard the arrow impact but could not see the hit, she turned quartering towards me now.

She acted hit but was just standing there, so I nocked another goldtip.

This time I made sure to follow through with the shot.

I watched the arrow impact and bury into the chest.

She lunged forward and stopped out of sight, there was a group of rocks above me blocking my view.

I watched the other cows come running back into the opening.

Then I heard footsteps stumble and then heard a body hit the ground.

She began to tumble down the hill and as I looked up at the rocks I seen her feet coming towards me and then stop.

The whole thing took about 10 seconds.

I backed off and went and found my wife.

We walked right to the downed elk.

We then began to quarter her out.

I packed the back straps out that night, I went back the next morning and boned her out and managed to pack her out in one trip.

This was my first elk with archery equipment. I’m looking forward to going back next year.



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