Indoor Lane Captains

Looking for volunteers

We are looking for help running the indoor range this winter. We are looking to have multiple people volunteer for each night. If we can do that it helps lighten the burden on everyone. Please help out where you can this is a big undertaking. if we don’t get help this puts a big burden on a few members and puts some nights in jeopardy if we don’t get volunteers. Hours worked as Lane Captain go towards your yearly service hours.

Current Lane Captains

  • Monday Nights (Classes Jack Hurd/Seth Ward)
  • Tuesday Nights (Open)
  • Wednesday Nights (Open)
  • Thursday Nights (Scott Wilson/Jimmyu Higley)
  • Friday Nights (Andy & Amanda Ward/Seth & Kenna Ward)
  • Saturday Nights (Open)
  • Sunday Afternoons (Open)



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