Jessica’s First Archery Buck

Lets talk about archery hunting for a minute. Its hard. A lot harder than you'd think. It takes a lot of practice, work and skill. Deer can see and smell you a mile away. For an archery shot you really need to be under 50 yards to have an effective ethical shot. Not only getting that close you need to have a clear ... More

Tony’s Cow Elk 2015

I spotted 4 cows feeding in the pines, we were in a spike unit so either a spike or a cow. The elk were about a mile away and I had about one and a half hours to make a move. They were on a super steep slope and all the way to the top. I came up with a plan that I would head directly to them and I sent my wife the ... More

Brandon’s First Archery Buck

The first 6 days of this year's season was spent hunting with my oldest son, Conner as well as my youngest Cody, and my dad. We had an AWESOME hunt, and saw TONS of animals (including a cow elk at 40 yards who busted me before I could draw) Conner got a shot at a buck at 25 yards, but went just barely over its ... More